Monday, September 21, 2015

Shri Vyankatesh Stotra

This is my attempt to translate Shri Vyankatesh Stotra in Marathi to English. Feel free to leave comments below.

श्री गणेशाय नमः
I bow to Shri Ganesh
श्री व्यंकटेशाय नमः
I bow to Shri Vyankatesh

नमो जी हेरंबा  | सकाळादि तू प्रारंभा ।
आठवुनी तुझी स्वरुप शोभा | वंदन भावे करितसे ||||
Everything auspicious begins with your remembrance. Thinking about your beautiful form, I bow to you, Lord Ganesh.

नमन माझे हंसवाहिनी | वाग्वरदे विलासिनी |
ग्रंथ  वदावया निरुपणी | भावार्थखाणी जयामाजी ||||
I bow to you Goddess Saraswati (riding a swan), the giver of knowledge. Give me the boon of writing a sacred text that will contain an abundance of faith/purity of purpose.

नमन माझे गुरुवर्या | प्रकाशरूपा तू स्वामिया |
स्फूर्ति द्यावी ग्रंथ वदावया | जेणे श्रोतया सुख वाटे ||||
Oh Teacher (Lord), I bow to you. You are the light of knowledge. Give me inspiration to write the sacred text which when heard will give happiness.

नमन माझे संतसज्जनां | आणि योगियां मुनिजनां |
सकळ श्रोतयां सज्जनां | नमन माझे साष्टांगी ||||
I bow to the saints, yogi's, muni's and all those who hear this.

ग्रंथ ऐका प्रार्थनाशतक । महादोषांसी दाहक ।
तोषुनियां वैकुंठनायक  । मनोरथ पूर्ण करील ।।५।।
Hear this sacred text which burns the greatest flaws (sins). Lord Vyankatesh (Vaikunthanayak) will be pleased and will fulfill your pure desires.

जयजयाजी व्यंकटरमणा । दयासागरा परिपूर्णा ।
परंज्योति प्रकाशगहना । करितो प्रार्थना श्रवण कीजेँ ।।६।।
Hail, Oh Lord. Please hear my prayers.

जननीपरी त्वां पाळिले । पितयापरी त्वां सांभाळिले ।
सकळ संकटांपासूनी रक्षिलेँ । पूर्ण दिधलेँ प्रेमसुख ।।७।।
You looked after me like a mother, you took care of me like a father, you protected me from troubles, and you gave me love and happiness.

हे अलोकिक जरी मानावेँ । तरी जग हे सृजिलेँ आघवें ।
जनकजननीपण स्वभावेँ । सहज आले अंगासी ।।८।।
This is understood as unprecendented. You created the world. That is why the qualities of mother and father are easily within you.

दीननाथा प्रेमासाठी । भक्त रक्षिले संकटी ।
प्रेम दिधलेँ अपूर्व गोष्टी । भजनासाठी भक्तांच्या ।।९।।
Oh Lord of the poor, you protected your devotees for the sake of love. You gave them unprecendented love just to hear their prayers.

आतां परिसावि विज्ञापना । कृपळुवा लक्ष्मीरमणा ।
मज घालोनि गर्भाधाना । अलोकिक रचना दाखविली ।।१०।।
Oh Kind Lord (Goddess Lakshmi's consort), please hear my prayers. You gave me birth and showed this unearthly (supernatural) composition.

तुज जाणतां झालो कष्टी । आता दृढ तुझे पायीं घातली मिठी ।
कृपाळुवा जगजेठी । अपराध पोटीं घालीं माझें ।।११।।
But because I did not recognize you before, I got into difficulties. Now I have fallen on your feet. Oh Lord of the world, full of kindness, please swallow all my sins (please forgive me).

माझिया अपराधांच्या राशी | भेदोनी गेल्या गगानासी |
दयावंता हृषीकेशी | आपुल्या ब्रीदासी सत्य करी ।।१२।।
Oh Lord of Kindness, please keep your promise and forgive my sins which have reached limits.

पुत्राचे सहस्र अपराध | माता काय मानी तयांचा खेद |
तेवीं तू कृपाळू गोविंद | माय-बाप मजलागी ||१३||
A mother does not get dejected by thousands of sins of her son. Similarly, be my mother and father, Oh Kind Lord.

उडादांमाजी काळेगोरे | काय निवडावे निवडणारे |
कूचलिया वृक्षांची फळे | मधुर कोठोनी असतील ||१४||
How will one pick black and white grains from the gram lentils? How will the fruits of Kajra tree (tree bearing bitter and thorny fruits) be sweet?

अराटीलागी मृदुता | कोठोनी असेल कृपावंता |
पाषाणासी गुल्मलता | कैसियापरी फुटतील ||१५ ||
How will there be softness in a cactus? How will a stone give sprouts?

आपादमस्तकावरी अन्यायी | परी तुझे पदरीं पडलों पाही |
आतां रक्षण नाना उपायीं | करणे तुज उचित ||१६||
I am a sinner from bottom to top. But I have submitted myself to you. Now protect me with various means.

समर्थाचिये घरींचे श्वान । त्यासी सर्वहि देती मान |
तैसा तुझा म्हणवितों दीन | हा अपमान कवणाचा ||१७||
Even a dog in a wise man's home is respected. Likewise, I am saying that I am poor and you own me. Insult to me would then be an insult to you.

लक्ष्मी तुझे पायांतळी | आम्ही भिक्षेसी घालोनि झोळी |
येणें तुझी ब्रीदावळी | कैसी राहील गोविंदा ||१८।।
When Goddess Lakshmi sits at your feet, we beg (for a living). Then how will you keep your principle?

कुबेर तुझा भांडारी । आम्हां फिराविसी दारोदारीं ।
यांत पुरुषार्थ मुरारी । काय तुजला पै आला ।।१९।।
When Kuber is your treasurer, you make us go from door to door. Oh Lord, what is the greatness in making us do that?

द्रौपदीसी वस्त्रे अनंता । देत होतासी भाग्यवंता ।
आम्हांलागीं कृपणता । कोठोनी आणिली गोविंदा ।।२०।।
You were providing clothes to fortunate Draupadi. Hey Govinda, then why did you bring poverty to us?

मावेची करुनी द्रौपदी सती | अन्ने पुरविली मध्यरात्री |
ऋषीश्वरांच्या बैसल्या पंक्ती | तृप्त केल्या क्षणमात्रे || २१||
You satiated all the Rishis in a moment who came to Draupadi for food at midnight.

अन्नासाठी दाही दिशा | आम्हां फिरविसी जगदीशा |
कृपाळुवा परमपुरुषा | करुणा कैसी तुज ये ||२२||
Given that, you make us go around for food. Oh Kind and Great Lord, how can you not have pity on us?

अंगीकारिया शिरोमणि | तुज प्रार्थितो मधुर वचनी |
अंगीकार केलिया झणी | मज हातींचे सोडावे ||२३||
Oh Lord, giver of shelter, I pray to you with sweet words. You have given me birth and now you shouldn't ignore me.

समुद्रे अंगीकारिला वडवानळ | तेणे अंतरी होतसे विव्हळ |
ऐसे असोनी सर्वकाळ | अंतरी साठविला तयाने ||२४||
Ocean swallowed the fire in the ocean and suffered from within. Despite that, he kept the fire within himself.

कूर्मे पृथ्वीचा घेतला भार | तेणे सोडिला नाही बडिवार |
एवढा ब्रह्मांडगोळ थोर | त्याचा अंगीकार पै केला ||२५||
The tortoise incarnation of Vishnu gracefully carried the earth. He gladly accepted the weight of the entire earth (philosophically means that he assumed the responsibilities gracefully).

शंकरे धरिले हाळाहळ | तेणे नीळवर्ण झाला गळा |
परी त्यागिले नाही गोपाळा | भक्तवत्सला गोविंदा ||२६||
Lord Shankar swallowed the poison (to save earth) due to which his neck turned blue. Hey loving devotee of Vishnu, He did not abandon it (us).

माझ्या अपराधांच्या परी | वर्णिता शिणली वैखरी |
दुष्ट पतित दुराचारी | अधमाहूनि अधम ||२७||
My speech is tired after describing the piles of sins I have committed. I am wicked, sinful and with the worst behavior.

विषयासक्त मंदमती आळशी । कृपण कुव्यसनी मलिन मानसी |
सदा सर्वकाळ सज्जनांसी । द्रोह करी सर्वदा ।।२८।।
I am too much about myself, foolish and lazy. I am wicked and addictive to bad thoughts. I always betray good people.

वचनोक्ति नाही मधुर | अत्यंत जनांसी निष्ठुर |
सकळ पामरांमाजी पामर | व्यर्थ बडिवार जगी वाजे ||२९||
My speech is not sweet and I am stone-hearted with others. I am the weakest of all and yet show off my attitude.

काम क्रोध मद मत्सर | हे शरीर त्यांचे बिढार |
कामकल्पनेसी थार । दृढ येथे केला असे ।।३०।।
My body is a habitat for desires, anger and jealousy. Desire and imagination have permanently resided in me.

अठरा भार वनस्पतींची लेखणी | समुद्र भरला मषीकरुनी |
माझे अवगुण लिहिता धरणी | तरी लिहिले न जाती ||३१||
Even if I make a reed using all plants in the world to write down my sins, the ocean will be full of ink and the earth will be full of writings about my sins. Even then, I will not be done writing my sins (I am very sinful).

ऐसा पतित मी खरा | परी तू पतितपावन शार्न्गधरा |
तुवा अंगिकार केलिया गदाधरा | कोण दोषगुण गणील ||३२||
I am really a sinful person. But Hey Sharngadhara (Vishnu who holds the bow called Sharnga), you are forgiver of sins. If you accept me, who will count my sins or virtues?

नीच रतली रायासी | तीसी कोण म्हणील दासी |
लोह लागता परिसासी | पूर्वस्थिती मग कैची ||३३||
Who will call a maid servant a servant if she marries a king? Who will call iron an iron when touched by a philosopher's stone (philosopher's stone is believed to convert iron to gold).
Inner meaning here is if Lord Vishnu accepts me, my sins will get washed away and I will not be called a sinful person.

गावीचे होते लेंडवोहळ | गंगेसी मिळता गंगाजळ |
काग विष्ठेचे झाले पिंपळ | तयांसी निंद्य कोण म्हणे ||३४||
An impure stream becomes purified when it meets River Ganga. Crow's poop (seeds in the poop) gives birth to Peepal tree. Who will label them as bad?

तैसा कुजाती मी अमंगळ । परी तुझा म्हणवितो केवळ ।
कन्या देऊनिया कुळ ।  मग काय विचारावे ।।३५।।
Likewise, I am a bad and inauspicious person. Hey Lord Vishny, but I am still yours. Why worry about the dynasty after sending the daughter off.

जाणत असतां अपराधी नर । तरी का केला अंगीकार ।
अंगीकारावरी अव्हेर । समर्थे न केला पाहिजे ।। ३६।।
Even when you know that I am sinful, you accepted me. You being the Supreme should not abandon me now.

धांव पाव रे गोविंदा । हाती घेवोनिया गदा ।
करी माझ्या कर्मांचा चेंदा । सच्चिदानंदा श्रीहरी ।।३७।।
Hey Govinda, Sacchinananda, Shrihari, come running with the mace and destroy my deeds.

तुझिया नामाची अपरिमित शक्ती । तेथे माझी पापे किती ।
कृपाळुवा लक्ष्मीपती । बरवे चित्ती विचारी ।।३८।।
There is abundance of strength in your name. My sins cannot hold up in front of it. Hey kind husband of Goddess Lakshmi, think about it well.

तुझे नाम पतितपावन । तुझे नाम कलिमलदहन ।
तुझे नाम भवतारण । संकटनाशन नाम तुझे ।।३९।।
Your name means destroyer of sins. Your name means destroyer of all bad in the Kaliyug. Your name means the caretaker of the earth. Your name means destroyer of calamities.

आता प्रार्थना ऐक कमळापती । तुझे नामी राहो माझी मती ।
हेंची मागतो पुढत पुढती । परंज्योती व्यंकटेशा  ।।४०।। 
Hey Kamalapati (husband of Lakshmi), please listen to my prayers. Let my mind reside with you. Hey Paramjyoti Vyankatesha, that's all I ask of you again and again.

तू अनंत तुझी अनंत नामे । तयांमाजी अति सुगमे ।
ती मी अल्पमती प्रेमे । स्मरूनी प्रार्थना करीतसे ।। ४१।।
You are boundless and your names have no limits. I am lovingly picking some of the sweet names using my incompetent intelligence and am praying to you.

श्रीव्यंकटेशा वासुदेवा । प्रद्युम्ना अनंता केशवा ।
संकर्षणा श्रीधरा माधवा । नारायणा आदिमूर्ती ।।४२।।
Shri Vyankatesh, Vasudev, Pradyumna, Ananta, Keshava, Sankarshana, Shridhara, Madhava, Narayana, Aadimurti

पद्मनाभा दामोदरा । प्रकाशगहना परात्परा ।
आदि अनादि विश्वंभरा । जगदुद्धारा जगदीशा ।।४३।।
Padmanabha, Damodara, Prakashgahana, Paratpara, Aadi, Anaadi, Vishwambhara, Jagadduddhara, Jagadisha

कृष्णा विष्णो ह्रीशिकेषा । अनिरुद्धा पुरूषोतम्मा परेशा ।
नृसिंह वामन भार्गवेशा । बौद्ध कलंकी निजमूर्ती  ।। ४४।।
Krishna, Vishnu, Hrishikesha, Aniruddha, Purushottama, Paresha, Narshinha, Vaaman, Bhargavesha, Bouddha, Kalanki, Nijmurti

अनाथरक्षका आदिपुरुषा । पूर्णब्रह्म सनातन निर्दोषा ।
सकळमंगळ मंगळाधीशा । सज्जनजीवना सुखमूर्ती ।।४५।।
Anathrakshaka, Aadipurusha, Purnabrahma, Sanaatan, Nirdosha, Sakalmangal, Mangaldheesha, Sajjanjeevana, Sukhmurti

गुणातीता गुणज्ञा । निजबोधरूपा निमग्ना ।
शुध्द सात्विका सुज्ञा । गुणप्राज्ञा परमेश्वरा ।।४६।।
Gunatita, Gunadnya, Nijbodharupa, Nimagna, Suddha, Satvika, Sudnya, Gunpraadnya, Parameshwara

श्रीनिधी श्रीवत्सलांछनधरा । भयकृदभयनाशना गिरिधरा ।
दुष्टदैत्यसंहारकरा । वीरा सुखकरा तू एक ।।४७।।
Shrinidhi, Shrivatsalanchhandhara, Bhaykrudbhayanashana, Giridhara, Dushtadaityasanharkara, Veera, Sukhkara (you are brave and giver of happiness)

निखिल निरंजन निर्विकारा । विवेकरवाणी वैरागरा ।
मधुमुरदैत्यसंहारकरा । असुरमर्दना उग्रमूर्ती ।।४८।।
Nikhil, Niranjan, Nirvikar, Vivekkhaani, Vairagara, Madhumurdaityasanharkara, Asurmardana, Ugramurti

शंखचक्र गदाधरा । गरुडवाहना भक्तप्रियकरा ।
गोपीमनरंजना सुखकरा । अखंडित स्वभावे ।।४९।।
Shankhachakra, Gadadhara, Garudvaahana, Bhaktapriyakara, Gopimanranjana, Sukhkara, Akhandaswabhave

नानानाटकसूत्रधारिया । जगद्व्यापका जगद्वर्या ।
कृपासमुद्रा करुणालया । मुनिजनध्येया मूळमूर्ती ।।५०।।
Nananataksutradhariya, Jagadvyapaka, Jagadvarya, Krupasamudra, Karunalaya, Munijandhyeya, Moolmurti

शेषशयना सार्वभौमा । वैकुंठवासिया निरूपमा ।
भक्तकैवारिया गुणधाम । पाव आम्हां ये समयी ।।५१।।
Sheshshayana, Saarvabhouma, Vaikunthvaasiya, Nirupama, Bhaktakaivariya, Gunadhaama, please bless us now.

ऐसी प्रार्थना करुनि देवीदास । अंतरी आठविला श्री व्यंकटेश ।
स्मरता ह्रिदयी प्रकटला ईश । त्या सुखासी पार नाही ।।५२।।
With this prayer, Devidas imagined Shri Vyankatesh in his mind. Lord appeared in his heart and there was no end to Devidas' happiness.

ह्रिदयी आविर्भवली मूर्ती । त्या सुखाची अलौकिक स्थिती ।
आपुले आपण श्रीपती । वाचेहाती वदवीतसे ।।५३।।
The image (Lord Vyankatesh's image) appeared in the heart and the (happy) feeling was unbelievable. Through Devidas' speech, Lord himself started speaking.

'ते' स्वरूप अत्यंत सुंदर । श्रोती श्रवण कीजे सादर ।
सांवळी तनु सुकुमार । कुंकुमाकार पादपद्मे ।।५४।।
Hey Devotees, listen to the description of the extremely beautiful form presented to you. The body of Lord Vyankatesh is dark with red lotus like feet.

सुरेख सरळ अंगोळिका । नखें जैसी चंद्ररेखा ।
घोटीव सुनीळ अपूर्व देखा । इंद्रनिळाचियेपरी ।।५५।।
Toes are beautifully straight and the nails are like the crescent shaped moon, just like the beautiful blue colored Indraneel gem.

चरणी वाळे घागरिया । वांकी वरत्या गुजरिया ।
सरळ सुंदर पोटरिया । कर्दळीस्तंभाचियेपरी ।।५६।।
(Wearing) musical anklets in the feet and other beautiful jewels, His calves are straight and beautiful like the stem of a lily.

गुडघे मांडिया जानुस्थळ । कटीतटी किंकिणी विशाळ ।
खालते विश्वउत्पत्तिस्थळ । वरी झळाळे सोनसळा ।।५७।।
Above that are knees, thighs and groin with a wide jewel band around the waist line. Below are the genitals and He wears shiny brass colored ritual-wrap.

कटीवरते नाभिस्थान । जेथोनि ब्रह्मा झाला उत्पन्न ।
उदरी त्रिवळी शोभे गहन । त्रैलोक्य संपूर्ण जयामाजी ।।५८।।
Lord Brahma was born from the navel which is above His waist. Three layered abdominal region is an abode of the entire universe (3 worlds).

वक्ष:स्थळी शोभे पदक । पाहोनि चंद्रमा अधोमुख ।
वैजयंती करी लखलख । विद्युल्लतेचियेपरी ।।५९||
A beautiful pendant adorns His chest and even the moon hides his face looking at it. The necklace (Vaijayanti) shines like electricity.

ह्रिदयी श्रीवत्सलांछन । भूषण मिरवी श्रीभगवान ।
तयावरते कंठस्थान । जयासी मुनिजन अवलोकिती ।।६०।।
God (Vishnu) flaunts Shreevatsalanchhan-like ornaments that he is wearing over the heart. Above that is the vocal cord, which Muni's admire endlessly.

उभय बाहुदंड सरळ ।नखें चंद्रापरीस तेजाळ ।
शोभती दोन्ही करकमळ । रातोत्पलाचीयेपरी ।।६१।।
Both arms are straight and naila are bright like the moon. Both palms are beautiful like red lotuses.

मनगटी विराजती कंकणे । बाहुवटी बाहुभूषणे ।
कंठी लेइली आभरणे । सूर्यकिरणे उगवली ।।६२।।
Bracelets adorn the wrists and arm jewels beautify the upper arms. The ornaments around the neck shine like the rays of the rising sun.

कंठावरुते मुखकमळ । हनुवटी अत्यंत सुनीळ ।
मुखचंद्रमा अतिनिर्मळ । भक्तस्नेहाळ गोविंदा ।।६३।।
Lotus like mouth is above the neck. Chin is very beautiful and blue. Hey devotee loving Govinda, your face is like spotless moon.

दोन्ही अधरांमाजी  दंतपंक्ती । जिव्हा जैसी लावण्यज्योती ।
अधरामृतप्राप्तीची गती । ते सुख जाणे लक्ष्मी ।।६४।।
Teeth are between both lips. Tongue is like a beautiful flame. The immortality of your lower lip can only be experienced by Goddess Lakshmi.

सरळ सुंदर नासिक । जेथे पवनासी झाले सुख ।
गंडस्थळीचे तेज अधिक । लखलखीत दोहीं भागी ।।६५।।
Nose is straight and beautiful and air feels blessed by it. Cheek bones on both sides are lustrous.

त्रिभुवनीचे तेज एकवटले । बरवेपण सिगेसि आले ।
दोन्ही पातयांनी धरिले । तेच नेत्र श्रीहरीचे ।।६६।।
Radiance of the three worlds combine and the beauty reaches the peak. The eyelids hold the eyes of Shri Hari.

व्यंकटा भृकुटिया सुनीळा । कर्णद्वयाची अभिनव लीळा ।
कुंडलांच्या फांकती कळा । तो सुखसोहळा अलौकिक ।।६७।।
(You have) curved and beautiful eyebrows. The beauty of both the ears is unbelievable. The earrings spread the radiance. The happy experience of seeing you is mesmerizing.

भाळ विशाळ सुरेख । वरती शोभे कस्तुरीटिळक ।
केश कुरळे अलौकिक । मस्तकावरी शोभती ।।६८।।
Forehead is wide and beautiful. The mark on the forehead adorns it. Beautiful curly hair adorn the head.

मस्तकी मुकुट आणि किरीटी । सभोवती झिळमिळ्याची दाटी ।
त्यावरी मयूरपिच्छांची वेटी । ऐसा जगजेठी देखिला ।।६९।।
A crown of pearls is on the head with strings of pearl beads around the crown. Peacock feathers are fixed above the crown. Lord of the World (Lord Vishnu) appeared.

ऐसा तू देवाधिदेव । गुणातीत वासुदेव ।
माझिया भक्तीस्तव । सगुणरूप झालासी ।।७०।।
You are God of Gods and Vasudev by virtue. You are full of virtues and are there for me.

आतां करू तुझी पूजा । जगज्जीवना अधोक्षजा ।
आर्ष भावार्थ हा माझा । तुज अर्पण केला असे ।।७१।।
Hey Jagajeevana, Adhokshaja (Vishnu's names), let me worship you now. I am offering you my innocent faith.

करूनि पंचामृतस्नान । शुद्धामृत वरी घालून ।
तुज करू मंगलस्नान । पुरुषसूक्तेकरूनियां ।।७२।।
I am bathing you with Panchamrut (mixture of 5 ingredients namely milk, sugar, ghee, yogurt and honey) along with amrut (drink for immortality). Giving you auspicious bath by reciting purushsukta (prayers from Vedas).

वस्त्रे आणि यज्ञोपवीत । तुजलागी करू प्रीत्यर्थ ।
गांधाक्षता पुष्पे बहुत । तुजलागी समर्पू ।।७३।।
Out of love for you, I offer you garments and yadnyopavit (sacred cloth on the shoulder), sandalwood paste on your forehead, rice and flowers.

धूप दीप नैवेद्य । फल तांबूल दक्षिणा शुद्ध ।
वस्त्रे भूषणे गोमेद । पद्मरागादिकरुनी ।।७४।।
I offer you incense, light, naivedya (food offered to God), fruit, leaf and dakshina (offering), clothes, ornaments, gomed (blue gem like sapphire) and padmaragadi (red gem like ruby).

भक्तवत्सला गोविंदा । ही पूजा अंगीकारावी परमानंदा ।
नमस्कारुनी पादारविंदा । मग प्रदक्षिणा आरंभिली ।।७५।।
He Devotee loving Govinda, please accept my worship Dear Parmananda. I bow to you and touch your feet to begin the circumambulation.

ऐसा षोडशोपचारे भगवंत । यथाविधि पूजिला हृदयांत ।
मग प्रार्थना आरंभिली बहुत । वरप्रसाद मागावया ।।७६।।
In this way, worshipped God (Lord Vishnu) in the heart in detail and all ways. Then began prayer to ask for a boon.

जयजयाजी श्रुतिशास्त्रआगमा । जयजयाजी गुणातीत परब्रह्मा ।
जयजयाजी हृदयवासिया रामा । जगदुद्धारा जगद्गुरू ।।७७।।
Hail Shrutishastragama (one with knowledge of Vedas), hail Gunatit (very virtuous) Parabrahma, hail Ram settled in heart, hail Jagadguru (the teacher of the world).

जयजयाजी पंकजाक्षा । जयजयाजी कामळाधीशा ।
जयजयाजी पूर्णपरेशा  । अव्यक्तवक्ता सुखमुर्ती ।।७८।।
Hail Pankajaksha (one who has eyes like lotus), hail Kamaladheesha (one who resides in the lotus), hail Purnaparesha (supreme being), hail Sukhmurti (idol of happiness) who is present in unknown form.

जयजयाजी भक्तरक्षका । जयजयाजी वैकुंठनायका ।
जयजयाजी जगपालका । भक्तांसी सखा तू एक ।।७९।।
Hail the Protector of devotees, hail Vaikunthanayak (leader of heaven), hail the Caretaker of the world, you are the only friend of your devotees.

जयजयाजी निरंजना । जयजयाजी परात्परगहना ।
जयजयाजी शुन्यातीत निर्गुणा । परिसावी विज्ञापन एक माझी ।।८०।।
Hail Neeranjana (spotless), hail Paratpargahana, hail Lord Vishnu (the one with no intrinsic existence and the one without attributes), please listen to my request.

मजलागी देई ऐसा वर । जेणें घडेल परोपकार ।
हेंचि मागणे साचार । वारंवार प्रार्थीतसे ।।८१।।
The only thing I ask for again and again and with an honest mind is to give me such a boon by which I can help others.

हा ग्रंथ जो पठण करी । त्यासी दु:ख नसे संसारी ।
पठणमात्रे चराचरी ।विजयी करी जगाते ।।८२।।
Whoever reads this book shouldn't have sorrows in the world. With regular reading, he becomes victorious in the world.

लाग्नार्थियाचे व्हावें लग्न । धनार्थीयासी व्हावें धन ।
पुत्रार्थियाचे मनोरथ पूर्ण । पुत्र देऊनि करावे ।।८३।।
Let an aspiring bachelor get married, let the one looking for wealth get wealth, let the wishes be fulfilled of the person aspiring for a child by giving him a son.

पुत्र विजयी आणि पंडित । शतायुषी भाग्यवंत ।
पितृसेवेसी अत्यंत रत । जयाचे चित्त सर्वकाळ ।।८४।।
Let that son be victorious, intellectual, with long life of 100 years, lucky and let his mind be extremely focused on serving his father all the time.

उदार आणि सर्वज्ञ । पुत्र देई भक्तालागून ।
व्याधिष्ठांची पीडा हरण । तत्काळ कीजे गोविंदा ।।८५।।
Hey Govinda (Vishnu), give a generous and intellectual son to your devotees. Let the miseries of those suffering from diseases permanently go away.

क्षय अपस्मार कुष्ठादि रोग । ग्रंथपठणे सरावा भोग ।
योगाभ्यासियासी योग । पठणमात्रे साधावा ।।८६।।
Let cancer, epilepsy, leprosy etc end upon reading this book. Let the yog of a yogi get accomplished through reading this.

दरिद्री व्हावा भाग्यवंत । शत्रूचा व्हावा नि:पात ।
सभा व्हावी वश समस्त । ग्रंथपठणेकरुनिया ।।८७।।
Let the poor become lucky, let the enemy get destroyed and let there be victory over the masses upon reading this book.

विद्यार्थियासी विद्या व्हावी । युद्धी शस्त्रे न लागावी ।
पठणे जगात कीर्ति व्हावी । साधु साधु म्हणोनिया ।।८८।।
Let the seeker of knowledge become knowledgeable, let there be no need of wars and weapons and let there be fame in the world by getting recognized as a holy virtuous person.

अती व्हावे मोक्षसाधन । ऐसे प्रार्थनेसी दीजे मन ।
एवढे मागतो वरदान । कृपानिधे गोविंदा ।।८९।।
Hey compassionate Govinda, I ask for a boon that will free from the cycle of rebirth. Please consider my prayers.

प्रसन्न झाला व्यंकटरमण । देवीदासासी दिधले वरदान ।
ग्रंथाक्षरी माझे वचन । यथार्थ जाण निश्चयेसी ।।९०।।
Lord Vyankatraman got pleased and blessed Devidas with the boon. "Know firmly my exact promise and document in the book".

ग्रंथी धरोनि विश्वास । पठण करील रात्रंदिवस ।
त्यालागी मी जगदीश । क्षण एक न विसंबे ।।९१।।
"I, Jagdish (Lord Vishnu), will not forget him for a moment who will trust and read the book day and night".

इच्छा धरोनि करील पठण । त्याचे सांगतो मी प्रमाण ।
सर्व कामनेसी साधन । पठण एक मंडळ ।।९२।।
"I am telling the amount of reading one should do for fulfilling a usual wish. It is 42 days".

पुत्रार्थियाने तीन मास । धनार्थियाने एकवीस दिवस ।
कन्यार्थियाने षण्मास । ग्रंथ आदरे वाचवा ।।९३।।
"This book should be read with respect. One who desires a son should read for 3 months. One who desires wealth should read for 21 days. One who desires a daughter should read for 6 months".

क्षय अपस्मार कुष्टादि रोग । इत्यादि साधने प्रयोग ।
त्यासी एक मंडळ सांग । पठणेकरूनि कार्यसिद्धी ।।९४।।
"Cancer, epilepsy, leprosy etc will be cured upon reading this book for a full 42 day period".

हे वाक्य माझे नेमस्त । ऐसे बोलिला श्रीभगवंत ।
साच न मानी जयाचे चित्त । त्यासी अध:पात सत्य होय ।।९५।।
Shri Bhagwant (Lord Vishnu) said "Know for sure (Be assured) what I spoke". One who will not trust this (one who doubts it) will be really destroyed.

विश्वास धरील ग्रंथपठणी । त्यासी कृपा करील चक्रपाणी ।
वर दिधला कृपा करुनी । अनुभवे कळो येईल ।।९६।।
One who will trust the reading of this book will be blessed by Chakrapani (Lord Vishnu). He himself has given this boon and you will know this by experience.

गजेन्द्राचिया आकांतासी । कैसा पावला हृषीकेशी ।
प्रल्हादाचिया भावार्थासी । स्तंभातूनी प्रगटला ।।९७।।
Hey Hrishikesha, you appeared upon hearing the trumpeting of elephants. You appeared from the pillar upon Prahlad's devotion.

वज्रासाठी गोविंदा । गोवर्धन परमानंदा ।
उचलोनिया स्वानंदकंदा । सुखी केले तये वेळी ।।९८।।
When Lord Indra brought calamity, Hey Govinda, Paramananda, Swanandakanda, you rescued by lifting the Govardhan mountain.

वत्साचे परी भक्तांसी । मोहे पान्हावे धेनु जैसी ।
मातेच्या स्नेह्तुलनेसी । त्याचपरी घडलेसे ।।९९।।
You love your devotees like a cow loves her calf and a mother loves her child.

ऐसा तू माझा दातार । भक्तांसी घालिसी कृपेची पाखर ।
हा तयाचा निर्धार । अनाथनाथ नाम तुझे ।।१००।।
You resolve to be my giver and you cover your devotees with your blessings. Your name is Anatnath (Caretaker of orphan).

श्रीचैतन्यकृपा अलोकिक । संतोषोनि वैकुंठनायक ।
वर दिधला अलोकिक । जेणे सुख सकळांसी ।।१०१।।
Getting pleased, Vaikunthnayak (Lord Vishnu) gave an unbelievable boon by which everyone will become happy. The blessing of Shri Chaitanya (Lord Vishnu) is unbelievable.

हा ग्रंथ लिहिता गोविंद । या वचनी न धरावा भेद ।
हृदयी वसे परमानंद । अनुभवसिद्ध सकळांसी ।।१०२।।
It is not a secret in the spoken words that the one who is writing this book is Govinda (Lord Vishnu) himself. Paramananda (Lord Vishnu) resides in the heart and is known by all after experiencing it.

या ग्रंथीचा इतिहास । भावें बोलिला विष्णुदास ।
आणिक न लागती सायास । पठणमात्रे कार्यसिद्धी ।।१०३।।
Vishnudas (Lord Vishnu's devotee) devotionally spoke about the history of this book. Your work will be accomplished by reading this and there is not need for anything else.

पार्वतीस उपदेशी कैलासनायक । पूर्णानंद प्रेमसुख ।
त्याचा पार न जाणती ब्राह्मादिक । मुनि सुरवर विस्मित ।।१०४।।
Kailasnayak (Lord Shankar) informed Goddess Parvati that the extent of complete happiness and love is not known even by Brahma etc. All munis and big Gods are also surprised.

प्रत्यक्ष प्रगटेल वनमाळी । त्रैलोक्य भजत त्रिकाळी ।
ध्याती योगी आणि चंद्रमौळी । शेषाद्रीपर्वती उभा असे ।।१०५।।
Three worlds and three ages worship Him, yogis and Chandramauli (Lord Shankar) always remember Him and He who is standing on Sheshadri mountain, He, Vanmali (Lord Vishnu) will Himself appear.

देवीदास विनवी श्रोतयां चतुरां । प्रार्थनाशतक पठण करा ।
जावया मोक्षाचिया मंदिरा । काहीं न लागती सायास ।।१०६।।
Devidas requests wise listeners (devotees) to read this prayer. You won't need anything else to reach the temple of liberation (of the soul).

एकाग्रचित्ते एकांती । अनुष्ठान कीजे मध्यराती ।
बैसोनिया स्वस्थचित्ती । प्रत्यक्ष मूर्ति प्रगटेल ।।१०७।।
Read this in the middle of the night by sitting quietly in isolation and with complete concentration. Lord Vishnu will Himself appear.

तेथें देह्भावासी नुरे ठाव । अवघा चतुर्भुज देव ।
त्याचे चरणी ठेवोनि भाव । वरप्रसाद मागावा ।।१०८।।
There will be a feeling of no physical existence with the appearance of four handed God. Rest your head on his feet and ask for the boon.

इति श्रीदेवीदासविरचितं श्रीव्यंकटेशस्तोत्रं संपूर्णम ।|
श्री व्यंकटेशार्पणमस्तु ।|


  1. Thank you so much for this wonderful explanation!

  2. Best! Very good. Thank you very much! God bless you!!

  3. अतिशय उत्तम भाषांतर झाले आहे. - चंद्रकांत कुलकर्णी, ४३३ सदाशिव पेठ, पुणे - 30.

  4. Heartily appreciate your efforts in translating it...
    - ओमकार देशपांडे (नांदेड)

  5. Incredible! Genuinely, I loved it ❤️

  6. Thanks. Great service to the Lord Venkateshwara as it benefits all people.

  7. Excellent very nicely you are translated Marathi vyankatesh sostra thank you very much

  8. Thankyou for this translation. It gives me so much peace knowing the exact meaning while reciting Lords stotram. Grateful 🙏
